Socio-communicative approach to studying of the educational literature
DOI:Ключові слова:
socio-communicative approach, the educational literature, author, editor, reader, publishing, information societyАнотація
The educational literature is investigated as a social phenomenon and the multifaceted process of its creation and functioning in the broad context of social relations is inscribed. The role of subjects of communicative interaction in the creation of the educational literature is defined: the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the author who prepared the work, the editor (editorial and publishing group), teachers who use the educational literature in the educational process, students and adults who help students prepare their homework. The opinions of teachers and students about the educational literature were studied and general directions of editorial work on harmonization of interests of direct consumers of the educational literature and society as a whole were generalized. It is proved that modern textbooks should contain images of people with disabilities and make them part of the picture of the world that education forms in the minds of children; change the image of the elderly; if possible, equalize the social roles of men and women. Working on the educational literature, the editor should act in several ways: to take into account the organizational aspect of the educational book publishing; to check the conformity of the filling of the educational literature with the existing system of standards: state the educational standards, curriculum, publishing standards; to ensure elimination of linguistic, logical, factual, compositional and other mistakes; take into account the features and needs of communicants (students and teachers); to ensure that the book performs the socio-communicative functions; consider the educational literature as a social system in its interaction with other subsystems of society; take into account the economic, political, social changes taking place in society, the society’s reactions to changes in approaches to the presentation of the material in the educational literature.Посилання
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